Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to, a site where I will seek to share the joy and love of Jesus Christ through my personal reflections on the Good News of the Gospel and our faith as Catholics.

✠ Bishop Strickland

Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to, a site where I will seek to share the joy and love of Jesus Christ through my personal reflections on the Good News of the Gospel and our faith as Catholics.

✠ Bishop Strickland

News & Notes

Response to a Question

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:


In regards to the letter I released on September 20, 2024, I received this comment:


“You quoted Pope Pius IX, who, in Syllabus of Errors (1864) condemned the proposition that ‘every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true.’Does this not contradict your earlier statement: ‘Although tolerance and religious freedom are important …’ E... Read More

Lord by Thy Holy Cross

Friday, September 20, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


“We adore Thee, O Christ. and we praise Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.” This familiar prayer offered as part of the Stations of the Cross is familiar to Catholics, and well it should be. It succinctly expresses our faith, and the unique reality of Jesus Christ—God’s Divine Son—as the one Savior of all humanity. 


We are obli... Read More

My Sacred Pause

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


In a letter I wrote on June 5, 2024, I spoke about A Sacred Pause. In that letter I stated that there was a storm coming – “the likes of which has never been seen upon the Earth” – and that the Church was in such a weakened state from the hidden sins and corruption within its sacred halls that it had already begun to take on water. However, also in that letter, I wrote about the profound silence that can be found underneath all the noise ... Read More

Open your Eyes

Friday, August 23, 2024

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


I am once again compelled to write and to encourage you to seek life more deeply rooted in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.


By the time this is posted, it will be one year since my first letter was written which was posted on August 22, 2023, the Queenship of Mary. I truly believe that letter was guided by divine providence, and the central point of this letter, a year l... Read More

Betrayers and Pillars

Wednesday, July 31, 2024




“Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith! We will be true to thee till death.” This hymn, written in honor of Catholics martyred during the time of Henry VIII in England, reminds us that we must continue to stand strong on the firm foundation of our Catholic faith, regardless of the evil that has infiltrated the Church. 


This time in which we are living is indeed a time of unparalleled evil... Read More

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