Bishop's Blog

Upon this Rock I will build my Church

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Letter from July 1, Upon this Rock I will build my Church.  This is also available drectly on my substack, bishopjosephstrickland


Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Betrayers!Letter from July 18This is also available drectly on my substackbishopjosephstrickland

A Sacred Pause

Wednesday, June 05, 2024
A SACRED PAUSE Psalm 33:11 – “But the plan of the Lord stands forever, the designs of his heart through all generations.” There is a storm coming – the likes of which has never been seen upon the Earth. The Church, the Brideof Christ, has weathered quite a few squalls and gales, and although many of these... Read More

A statement on Sedevacantism

Thursday, May 09, 2024
Statement from Bishop Joseph E. Strickland Recently, as I have endeavored to faithfully defend the Catholic Church and uphold the Sacred Deposit of Faith, a small number of people have begun to falsely label me as a sedevacantist. Let me be clear that sedevacantism is a claim within the Catholic... Read More

Just Folllowing Orders

Saturday, May 04, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Roma locuta; causa finita est!” “Rome has spoken; the matter is finished!”  In these pastoral letters that I have been publishing, I have been writing about many issues that we are facing in what is an ever-growing crisis in the Church and in the world. As a Catholic bishop, my... Read More

Supernatural Truth

Monday, April 22, 2024
Friday, April 19, 2024 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus Christ is the fullness of the revelation of supernatural truth which guides humanity to our eternal destiny. He is the cornerstone on which our lives must be built because, as He reveals supernatural truth to us fully and completely, He reveals who we are and that for... Read More

A Letter to the Baptized

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am inspired to write to all who share life in Jesus Christ through baptism. The Judeo-Christian story encompasses a story which is both human and divine, and which transcends space and time.  At this time, humanity is in great turmoil, and many are casting about seeking answers to age-old questions. As... Read More

A Letter to Bishops

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
February 29,2024My Dear Brother Bishops, I am compelled to speak to all of my brother bishops around the world, including Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome.  In many ways,I am the least among you, but I share with you the anointing as a successor of the apostles and the call to guard the Deposit of Faith, and... Read More

An Important Statement of Clarification

Thursday, February 08, 2024
In these troubled times it is necessary that we express ourselves very clearly. Let us seek to build bridges in the Truth and love that is Jesus Christ rather than allow false messages to constantly divide us.I have agreed to serve as spiritual director for a pilgrimage that Patrick Coffin... Read More

Letter to Priests- January 22

Saturday, January 20, 2024
My Dear Brother Priests,I am compelled to speak to you with clarity and the force of the Gospel as we approach the Roe v. Wade anniversary once again. The date January 22nd marks a day when the United States ushered in its cultural acceptance of the slaughter of unborn children. The decision of the United States Supreme Court to support... Read More