Bishop's Blog

Day 4

Sunday, October 04, 2009
Well gang I must confess I didn't run today, too much rain. I know that's a wimpy excuse but I didn't think it would be very smart to get soaking wet. I did get in a good workout on my Nordic track so hopefully that counts. My cat always reacts... Read More


Saturday, October 03, 2009

Day 3

Saturday, October 03, 2009
Had another good run today. A bit warmer but that's how it goes with weather in East Texas. I ran out at Faulkner Park on the bike trails. There are more and more bikers out there especially in this gorgeous weather. So far no collisions!!!!!On today's run I was reflecting... Read More

Day 2

Friday, October 02, 2009
Day 2 Great day for a run. I was a little short on time so I took the route down College to Hamvasy back up Chilton then cut back over to College. Pretty quiet and peaceful run. Today we celebrated the feast of th Guardian Angels and I asked the... Read More

Have a Beautiful October Day

Friday, October 02, 2009


Thursday, October 01, 2009
Well gang I had a great run for my first official day. If you are one of my virtual companions you'll want to know that today we ran at the UT Tyler campus for 31 minutes. It had looked like rain earlier in the day but by about 4 pm... Read More

First Attempt

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Well friends I suppose I've entered the "blogosphere." Is that a place where you breath "blogxogen"? I hope this Blog will be a companion to my little effort. My plan is to give you a few tidbits now and then about how my running is going. The sites I... Read More