Bishop's Blog

Day 12 Thanks to All

Monday, October 12, 2009
I realized I haven't said thank you to all of you who have pledged your support for my running project. I don't have any totals yet but I know a number of you have been really generous. It has bee fun. Thank You!!!!I managed to get out to the Kentucky... Read More

Day 11

Sunday, October 11, 2009
I had a good workout tonight on the treadmill in the hotel fitness center. Certainly not the same as a run in the park but still gets the blood pumping. The machines were full of gadgets, even a virtual fitness trainer!!I'll scout out the area tomorrow to see if I... Read More

Day 10

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The run today felt really good. I ran down Front street to Vine and around to 4th street and then wound my way back to the Cathedral. I do my best to stay on turf these days because I have some problems with my feet so it is always a... Read More

Follow Up

Saturday, October 10, 2009
I wanted to report that I did get in a good Nordic Track Trek. In some ways it's harder to use a treadmill or other exercise machine because it can be so boring. You have to get creative with music or something to move the clock along a little faster.... Read More

Day 9 A Rainout?

Friday, October 09, 2009
Just making a wild guess but I'm guessing today will be another Nordic Track day. I'm doing things a bit differently today, writing my blog post before I go for a run or Nordic Track Trek!!As I've been working in my office at the Cathedral this morning I've been watching... Read More

Day 8

Thursday, October 08, 2009
I ran through the Azalea District today taking a route that wound through streets like College, Rusk, Robertson, Dobbs and Shaw. Recognize any of those?It was very humid and I don't know if it was just because it was Day 8 or because of the humidity but it was a... Read More

Day 7 A Very Special Day

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
I had an early run this morning down College St to Bergfeld Park etc. Then I joined our St. Gregory Catholic School community for the National Walk to School. I thought it was a great experience that reminded me of simpler days. I rode the bus but however we got... Read More

Day 6 so Far So good

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
I had another good run on the Faulkner Trail this afternoon. It was a lot more humid today and almost 90 degrees.Continued to reflect on today's Gospel passage from the Gospel acccording to Luke. Today's passage is the encounter with Martha and Mary when Jesus says Mary has chosen the... Read More

Day 5

Monday, October 05, 2009
I had a good run this afternoon. I ran at Faulkner Park on the bike trail. I always enjoy the woods after a heavy rain like yesterday, everything is peaceful and quiet. By the way, I wanted to apologize for typos on these posts. I've written several of them on... Read More

A Runner's Tribute to Saint Francis of Assisi

Monday, October 05, 2009
The Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi yesterday, October 4th and as we remember this italian saint who lived hundreds of years ago he reminds us that we must care for Mother Earth as a gift from God.Saint Francis celebrated the beauty of every aspect of... Read More