Bishop's Blog

Second Day of Christmas- December 27

Monday, December 28, 2009
Another beautiful day, still pretty chilly but nice and sunny. I confess I ran out of daylight and ended up on the Nordic Track after dark. It is always a good workout but I miss the fresh air.Today was Sunday and the Catholic calendar celebrated the Feast of the Holy... Read More

First Day of Christmas- December 26

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Well I made the first run of my "Twelve Runs of Christmas". It was a nice day for a run, a little cool but nice and sunny. I guess you could count December 25 as the first day of Christmas nut I doubted I'd get a run in on Christmas... Read More

December 7

Monday, December 07, 2009's been a while but I am still here. Getting in some good runs as we zip through Advent. I do have my next set of runs on the calendar........the 12 runs of Christmas beginning on December 26. Have a blessed Advent.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hello out there. I'm sorry I've gotten behind on posting to the blog, just busy with the usual stuff. I intended to take a bit of a break after my October runs but the time kind of got away from me. The picture of St. Peter's reminds me of the... Read More

The 8th of November

Sunday, November 08, 2009
I had a good run today after a couple of days off after completing my 31 runs in 31 days trek. I'm planning to put something together around the Thanksgiving holiday............turkey trots seem to be popular and I can definitely supply the turkey!!!!!!The picture reminds me of the theme that... Read More

Day 30 & 31

Monday, November 02, 2009
I finally got a chance to finish up the first installment on my blog with run #30 and 31.#30 was a Nordic track day. It was actually a nice day but I just didn't have time. Someone asked me if they still make Nordic Tracks. I'm really mt sure. I... Read More

Day 29

Monday, November 02, 2009
I had a good run. The weather has been pperfect. I hope you are getting out to enjoy these fall days

Day 28

Thursday, October 29, 2009
I managed to get a run in before the rain returned. I ran in the neighborhood around UT Tuler. We honored two mothers last night at the Tyler Catholic School Foundation dinner. Mary Prudhomme and Martha Ann Roy Lehnertz exemplify the qualities we celebrate in our mothers. They were women... Read More

Day 27

Thursday, October 29, 2009
I had a nice sloppy run today! We've been blessed with so much rain lately that the trail I run on in Faulkner Park was very much like a swamp for my last run.I'm planning to head out for a run in a few minutes. Storm clouds are approaching but... Read More

Day 26

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I had another good workout on the Nordic Track.I'm still catching up on getting my runs posted. I'm glad I'm better with the exercise than with getting my runs posted to the Blog!!I went to a conference on spirituality and health and Gertrude the world's oldest person was quoted. When... Read More