Bishop's Blog

March 1- A Nordic Day

Monday, March 01, 2010
I didn't manage to get a run in because of the blustery weather but I did get started with my March through March with a good workout on the Nordic Track. My cat has an interesting approach to this machine. She seems to be afraid of it but she doesn't... Read More

Tyler's Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tylerites of the two legged and four legged varieties have been surprised by the amount of white stuff we've seen. I was actually in West, Texas today for meetings and they got alot more snow than we did here in Tyler. I'm sure the kids were hoping for a free... Read More

February 22........The Chair of Peter

Monday, February 22, 2010
Well February has kind of slipped through my fingers. When I last wrote I had hoped to get in a Saint Valentine's Day series of runs but obviously that didn't happen.I am planning to run through March with another 31 runs in 31 days. Your pledges to the Chapel of... Read More

Yes I'm still here

Sunday, February 07, 2010
Howdy. I know it has been a month since my last post. As you probably know it has been quite a month for me. As of February 2, 2010 I have left my position as rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and have been named Vicar General for... Read More

The 12th Day of Christmas

Saturday, January 09, 2010
Well. Finally posting my 12th run.We celebrate the baptism of the Lord this Sunday and officially end the Christmas season. I pray this Christmas has been a blessing for you and your loved ones. God Bless.

Days 10 & 11, January 4 and 5

Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Had a little get away for my day off but managed to get a couple of good Nordic Track workouts in. I guess I should have called this session "The Twelve Nordic Track workouts of Christmas" between the weather and the schedule I think I did more Nordic Track than... Read More

8th and 9th Days of Christmas- January 2 & 3

Monday, January 04, 2010
I had a couple of good Nordic Track workouts for the 8th and 9th Days of Christmas. The picture just reminds me of what the weather feels like around here these days........not really quite THAT cold but it has been pretty chilly for this East Texas kid. Sunday January 3,... Read More

Day 7, January 1

Saturday, January 02, 2010
I had a good run on the first day of the year. Nice sunny day, cool but really perfect for running.I'm sure we all saw fireworks televised or otherwise as we rang in 2010. Let us pray that the new year brings greater harmony among nations and all of God's... Read More

4th, 5th and 6th Day of Christmas- December 29,30 and 31

Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ok. Gang. Obviously I'm playing a little catch up these last days of 2009. Actually have to confess that I did'nt make it on the 4th Day!!!! Just ran out of time. Don't worry........I'll make it up......maybe I'll even throw in another day at the end..........make it a "bakers dozen"... Read More

Third Day of Christmas- December 28

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Another good workout. I was laughing with a fellow runner because both of us have encountered people that thought we were crazy for running. We've had people get really upset saying it was to hot to run or too cold to run. I even had one lady say she was... Read More