Another beautiful day, still pretty chilly but nice and sunny. I confess I ran out of daylight and ended up on the Nordic Track after dark. It is always a good workout but I miss the fresh air.
Today was Sunday and the Catholic calendar celebrated the Feast of the Holy Family. This is celebrated on the Sunday immediately after Christmas. It always seems appropriate to me that we celebrate the family in the midst of the holidays when so many of us are gathering with our families. It is a good time to reflect on the blessing of our families.
I'm also aware of the difficult time that many have because of the loss of loved ones. The holidays can be especially difficult if we have recently lost loved ones or if we are far away from home and unable to be with family. I have been blessed as a priest to always have family within a reasonable driving distance. I try to especially pray for the priests who are half a world away from their families during the holidays. We are blessed with many priests in our diocese in Tyler who have left home and family far behind in order to serve the people of God. We need to be especially thankful to them during the holidays.
As we approach the New Year why not go ahead and get started on that "new years resolution" to get some exercise!!!!!!!!