As we continue the Octave of Easter and approach Divine Mercy Sunday, the 2nd Sunday of Easter, I plan to focus on answering Pilate's question to Jesus in John 18:38 "What is truth?"
The ignorance and arrogance of Pilate is on full display as he faces Jesus Christ who is truth incarnate and asks "What is truth?" Clearly, Pilate just doesn't understand but before we go too far down the road of wagging our heads at his lack of understanding we need to look at our times as well. We are too easily pulled into today's culture that in many ways has answered Pilate's question by claiming there is no real and objective truth. As believers and simply as rational beings who live out our daily lives in a real world we know that truth does exist. We know the truth of the natural world just by opening our eyes and acknowledging the truths we are surrounded by. As believers we are also given the truth of Divine Revelation that always corresponds to the truth we can come to by using reason and deepens as we come to know Divine Truth.
As we approach Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit let us all pray that we can come to know truth and thus Incarnate Truth in Jesus Christ more deeply. The more we are steeped in the truth that God has revealed to us most fully in His own Son the more we can share this Good News with a world so desperately in need ot the good news of truth.