The picture is of the Statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. It is special to me because today, October 16, is the memorial of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque who had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart. My mother Monica Clare Margaret Hart Strickland was born on October 17, and always had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart. It is one of those very Catholic images that our non-catholic brothers and sisters don't really understand. I believe it is important to all of us that we recognize the clear and scriptural foundation of sacramentals like the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. They flow from century after century of faithful disciples of Jesus Christ the Son of God reflecting on the Gospels. The Gospels clearly speak of the Sacred Heart of Christ pierced as He dies for us. It seems tremendously appropriate for all Christians to reflect on the beautiful Sacred Heart of God's Son as it beats its very last as an expression of love for all humanity. It's not just a Catholic "thing" it is a gift to all who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, Redeemer of the World. God bless you Monica Claire Margaret.
Sorry I got so preachy above but after all I am The Running Priest!!!!! As I hoped I managed to get a great run in this afternoon. I have to laugh because it was not easy to "stay with the program". I had a day of non-stop meetings and just barely managed to squeeze in a run before a wedding rehearsal at the Cathedral. I was literally on the phone dealing with an issue and trying to change into running clothes at the same time......a bit of a challenge to say the least. It was a beautiful October afternoon after I finally got out there and managed to get in a run with just enough time to get cleaned up and over to the Cathedral for the rehearsal.
As I was reflecting on my hectic day and the "barely squeezed in" run I realized that I can't remember a single time when I "got the run in" and said afterward "I wish I hadn't done that!!!!!!!!!" It seems I'm ALWAYS glad I got a run in....the only regrets come when I don't manage to run and often think "I wish I'd been able to run".
Have a great weekend and get out there and get some exercise.