The first stained glass window is complete. Lynchburg Stained Glass did a wonderful job.
Next week the Baptismal Font is to be installed and the week after the statues and crosses for the exterior and interior of the Chapel.
It is all coming together thanks to wonderful donors and the support of so many in our community.
Today, November 18, is a special day for the Chapel because it is the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul in Rome. The feast reminds us that places and things become sacred in our Catholic tradition because they are associated with gifts of God's grace and growth in faith. The numerous holy sites in Rome have inspired the faithful from the earliest days of the Church. Thanks to the generosity and hard work of so many the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul has already been a "holy site" right here in Tyler. We look forward to the Chapel being a place of prayer and pilgrimage for many years to come.