Bishop's Blog

Wishing You All a Blessed New Year

Monday, December 31, 2012
I just wanted to take a few moments to wish you all a Blessed New Year and to promise my prayers.  I finally got around to editing my profile.  People are still getting used to calling me bishop, as I am getting used to the title myself but at least... Read More

Christmas Greetings

Monday, December 24, 2012
A Blessed Christmas to All-   As I celebrate my first Christmas as Bishop of Tyler I wanted to greet all of you and assure you of my prayers during this holy season.    As you can imagine it is exciting to return to the Cathedral this evening for my... Read More

Reflections and Calendar Update

Saturday, December 22, 2012
 This picture includes (seated on the front row, from the left) Bishop David Fellhauer, Bishop Edmond Carmody and Archbishop Michael Sheehan. All three of these men along with Bishop Herzig, Bishop Corrada and so many others have played significant roles in my formation. It is a special blessing to me... Read More

More Pictures

Saturday, December 08, 2012
These pictures are from 10:00 Mass at the Cathedral on December 2, when I officially took possession of the Cathedral.The other pictures are from the Gala celebration of the Louis and Peaches Owen Heart getting a little exercise and learning how to do heart surgery.

A Few Pictures

Tuesday, December 04, 2012
 Yep that's me in the miter!! A great partnership Bishop and Vincent Meinzer Bishop and Archbishop Sheehan   Bishop Corrada laying on of hands Bishop Carmody, Archbishop Sheehan                         (first row) Me with Dennis, Stephen, Barbara, Katherine and Megan Schnurbusch (my baby sister and her family) Archbishop Sheehan and ski buddies from New Mexico, Fr. Dennis Garcia,... Read More

A Tremendous Week

Tuesday, December 04, 2012
As I try to share a few reflections about the most awesome week in the life of this kid from Atlanta, Texas; I realize that there is no way I can capture everything.  Acknowledging that my reflections will be inadequate I will go ahead and make a stab at it.It... Read More

Calendar Revisions and Update

Thursday, November 29, 2012
REVISIONDecember 2,  8:00 AM Mass at the Cathedral                     10:00 AM Mass at the Cathedral                       1:30 PM Mass at the CathedralNEXT WEEKDecember 3- No public MassDecember 4-  7:40 Mass at Gorman School ChapelDecember 5-  No public MassDecember 6-  7:40 Mass at Gorman School ChapelDecember 7-  7:40 Mass at Chapel of Saints Peter... Read More

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I thought this little guy was an appropriate image as I reflect on all I give thanks for at this time. I can imagine that some would question what a koala has to do with Thanksgiving Day in the USA.  If you've been following my blog you probably know that... Read More

The kindness of Shepherds Part 2

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
As I continue to enter into this new life I am more and more aware of the joys and the pitfalls that await me.  Through the years people have often told me not to change.  I have to admit I probably haven't fully understood their message but I think I'm... Read More

The Kindness of Shepherds

Sunday, November 11, 2012
I am in Baltimore at my first Bishop's Meeting and even though I have not been ordained yet all of the bishops have been very welcoming.  I wanted to share what a great experience it has been to join them as I prepare to enter into this new role.  I... Read More